Darkest dungeon take back the farmstead
Darkest dungeon take back the farmstead

darkest dungeon take back the farmstead

The main objective from what I've seen so far is to collect the new crystal items, in order to pick up super powerful trinkets at the nomad wagon. If it were a normal dungeon, spending this much time and bailing out would at least allow me to take loot with me and probably mostly recoup my costs This has been a huge waste of gold and time so far. I thought crystals were the point to fighting here, i've got none. My entire party is stressed out, two are afflicted, and i've got nothing to show for the effort but a common trinket worth 800g. I can't last much longer, going to have to bail out at this rate.

darkest dungeon take back the farmstead

Why no crystals? How can a giant cask full of crystals not contain any crystals I opened it and got zero crystals, what in the ♥♥♥♥. It looked like a huge wine cask overflowing with blue crystal shards I found a sleeper's dream thingy, that sent me to a room, with a barrel of crystals. Everything here has such crazy dodge, i need to have a man at arms spending half of his time repeatedly spamming command just to allow me to land hits I have three partymembers working fulltime on buffing and support just so i can hit enemies and outlast their damage. Using my best party, I'm 14 kills in, two of them have gone crazy. Now i'm on my second mission, supposedly to kill the miller. Ive finished one farmstead mission before, got a pittance of crystals for a really hard fight.

Darkest dungeon take back the farmstead